Directions to Clinic

From the motorway follow the A483 for approx 5 miles to Ammanford, straight on at first traffic lights, left at 2nd set, clinic is on left approx 200yds after lights.

From Llandeilo direction follow A483 into Ammanford, clinic is on right opposite the Chinese restaurant and next door to an Indian Restaurant

Clinic location
Opposite the Chinese restaurant and next door to a Indian Restaurant, opposite the bottom of Margaret Street, on opposite side of road from bus station. The clinic is located on the main road and is easily identified by the signage.

Parking facilities -turn into Margaret Street and take the first right to pay & display car park which is on the site of the old Co-op.

NB: We would advise against parking in the new Co-op car park as it is only a 30 minute stay and they will fine you.

Wheel Chair Access –  Unfortunately, there is no wheelchair access, and the treatment room is on the first floor.